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May 13, 2022

Second Annual CEO Skydive For Mental Health

Second Annual CEO Skydive For Mental Health

Skydive Australia recently held their annual charity event in collaboration with the Black Dog Institute, the CEO Skydive For Mental Health.

Last year, the inaugural event was held at our Wollongong drop zone, and this year the event grew to two locations with the addition of our St Kilda drop zone.

The event saw a team of executives who took the leap from a Skydive Australia plane to raise life-saving awareness and funds for mental health research and education. 

78% of people in Australia reported worsening mental health over the past year. The pressures of recent events are having an impact on workplace mental health, and researchers are concerned about a related rise in symptoms of anxiety and depression.

By challenging themselves to both raise funds and take the leap, the team of CEOs who participated in the events across both Wollongong and St Kilda raised almost $120,000. These much-needed funds will help reduce the incidence of suicide and mental illness in Australia.

We look forward to holding the event again next year, and we encourage anyone who is interested in participating to register their interest here!


Wollongong event


St Kilda event