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What's Holding You Back?

Rachel's Story

Rachel's Story

I hope they'll be proud

A Mum of Two Boys

Becoming a mother is a beautiful thing, but it comes with a lot of sacrifices too. For Rachel, she put everything into raising her two sons, and didn’t make much time for herself in the process.

“I am a mum with two boys, and I definitely didn’t shy away from adventure when I was younger,” she said. “I found an old filofax from 1996, in that list was parachute jump and I didn’t cross it off.”

Rachel realised that it was time to no longer allow being a mum to hold her back. “My role as a mum is changing,” she said. “I can no longer feel guilty about doing something just for me.”

This is a Tick For Me

Ready to finally tick off parachute jump from the 25-year old bucket list, Rachel only had one thing to say before she got into the Skydive Australia plane. Speaking of her boys, she said, “When they see the footage, I think they’ll both be proud – I hope so!”

After free falling at over 200km/hr for nearly a minute, Rachel’s parachute opened and she cried, “I did it!”

Landing on the ground, Rachel could hardly contain her happiness.

“Why did you wait 25 years to do this?” she asked herself.

Unable to wipe the smile from her face, Rachel felt a wave of accomplishment, and she was finally able to tick the parachute jump from her bucket list.

Push fear aside

What’s holding you back?

Other Stories

Life can be a complex thing, and sometimes we allow our fears and doubts to prevent us from living life to the fullest. But what happens when you decide to stop letting something hold you back in life?


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